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Tyre Manufacturers and the Ukraine Invasion

In writing this article, we’re not trivialising or ignoring the enormous human tragedy unfolding in front of us in the Ukraine. But reporting or discussing global events is well beyond our scope — all we can reasonably do is comment… read more

Are truly intelligent tyres coming soon? Part Two

In Part One of this article, we reported on an ingenious driving system that’s in the pipeline — a gas jet that automatically blasts away surface water to prevent aquaplaning. This time, we’ll look at another clever development that centres… read more

October is Tyre Safety Month — Time to ACT!

Did you know that October is Tyre Safety Month? The idea behind it is straightforward: a month-long bout of awareness raising, encouraging vehicle owners to think about tyre safety. It’s hard to disagree with when poor tyre maintenance still claims… read more

Why and How Tyre Labelling is Changing, Part Two

In Part One of this post, we looked at the reasons behind the new changes in UK tyre labelling. In case you really don’t have five minutes to read it, we can sum up the reasons like this: at the… read more

Why and How Tyre Labelling is Changing

At BK Tyres, we’re all in favour of customers having all the key information they need to make informed buying choices. A quick glance through our extensive stock shows that we prominently display all the tyre label information next to… read more